Tuesday, February 7, 2017


As I mentioned in my previous post we made a short trip to Virginia Beach last week.  One of the enjoyable walks we took was along the boardwalk.  The weather was mild for this time of the year, and it was very nice just being able to get by with a sweater and no overcoat....  

and as I also mentioned in my previous post, there was hardly anybody there, except for this interesting creature.  

There were a few people around but none showed up in these two photos.

We like the fact that people can come here for their vacations, but it was nice having it a little quieter.... 

and we were happy for the quiet of the winter months.  The obligatory selfie!

We finally saw that we had some company, the lone walker in the red coat and a few dozen seagulls....

and of course King Neptune.

This magnificent statue was created by P. DiPasquale in 2005.  There is a link here that tells you more about it.  It is one of my most favorites. 

And so we leave King Neptune and continue our walk.  There are banners advertising the annual Polar Plunge the following weekend, where money is raised for the Special Olympics.  Way to go to all those who participate for this very worthy cause.

A little further along, around the corner and across the street, we found a favorite coffee shop.  After spending a very pleasant half-an-hour.... 

we went back to our hotel, retracing our steps.

We walked by one of the hotels that had an outside seating area, and spent a very pleasant few moments warming ourselves by the fire pit that was in the middle of each table.

The sun was setting and it cast a very pretty glow across the beach.

At every entrance where you can walk down to the beach, the steps were well lit.

Still not many people around....

but this was mid-week and the polar bear plunge will bring in hundreds.  We left before the weekend and did not see any of the festivities.

This is the view along the corridor of the hotel before we get to our room.  I tried to get it without any reflections but didn't entirely succeed.  Hopefully you can still appreciate the setting sun though.

The next morning when we were leaving to visit a friend, I looked up at our hotel and loved the reflection of the clouds in the windows.

And that's it for today's post.  

Thank you everyone for taking a look at my blog, and to those of you who comment.  I always appreciate it.


  1. Beautiful photos, Denise...and you look radiant! I love the crab, it is very creative! And the clouds in the windows in your last photo is amazing! Here in Montreal today it is very cold and windy, with light snow and blowing snow, but it will get worse later, as we are getting freezing rain. I love the snow but the ice...not. :)

    1. Hi Linda, you know how to make a girl feel good:) Thank you for the kind words. I am always happy when you enjoy my post. It was 71 degrees F today but will be returning to cooler temperatures tomorrow. I think we even have snow in the forecast in a day or so. I don't like the ice either!

  2. Felt as if I were there! Such a perfect time, especially since the weather warmed up a bit. Last photo is my favorite, artistically. But the photo of the two of you is special!

    1. Hi Sandy, thank you so much for the very sweet comments. I could not visit you from your link but if you read this maybe you could let me know where your blog is so that I could come and return the visit.

  3. That last photo and the cloud reflections is lovely ... no it's stunning!
    I do like the selfie too!
    Wonderful to have the place almost to yourselves ...

    All the best Jan

  4. Hello again Denise! I've been catching up on your posts and really enjoying seeing all the waxwork models and now your trip to Virginia Beach! It seems surprising to see this famous beach deserted but then it makes for great photos! I loved the clouds reflected in the hotel windows!
    Hope you both enjoy your week!

    1. Hello Christine, thank you and enjoy your week too.

  5. Your last picture is marvelous! A building full of clouds! What an awesome and romantic trip! We love Starbucks too! You two are the cutest couple!! I love the beautiful fire. What a cool giant crab!! I don't eat any creature that has eyeballs on stalks!

    1. Thank you Ginny, for the sweet comments. A fellow fan of the Mermaid :) that makes me smile.

  6. The area looks very peaceful this time of year!

  7. More fun, all to yourselves, on your little holiday. So much better than almost fighting your way, through crowds.

    Love those fire-pits in the outdoor tables.

    the article told about the huge King Neptune statue. But what I want to know is....... Where is the gorgeous man, who was the life like model, for it????!!!!!????!!!!????!!!!!! >,-)

    Luna Crone

    1. Very true! Sorry, can't help you on identifying the model :)

  8. How can you have a polar bear plunge when you don't have any ice! Do you have a very large icemaker? I like going places in the off season. You not only get a different view but a better one.

  9. Sometimes it is wonderful to have the whole place to yourselves where you can enjoy the beauty of the surroundings and great opportunity for taking good photos. That is one lovely and sweet selfie and a great photo of the statue of King Neptune. I like all the photos especially the one with the reflection of the clouds in the windows of the hotel.

    1. Such a kind comment Nancy, thank you very much.

  10. I imagine the place gets crowded but I like the quiet feel of it.
    I am still trying to work out of that unusual creature is real or stone.

  11. I used to love driving over to the seaside in winter. We let the dogs run and run. They loved it too.

    1. A wonderful place for dogs. We saw a few of them enjoying their freedom. Sorry Nacadoches, I couldn't find a link to visit you. If you leave one here, I would love to do that.

  12. you have so many spectacular photos I can't pick a favorite. I LOVE FIRE, so that is at the top of my list and the clouds in the windows are amazing. I would snap myself silly on that Netune guy. he is wonderful. wow. and the empty boardwalk get two wows. love your selfie

    1. Fire is mesmerizing isn't it. Favorite thing to do is to stare into the fireplace at those flames, feeling all toasty with a throw rug and a cup of hot chocolate, with the sound of the wind blowing and snowing big old flakes of snow outside. Bliss!

  13. the pic of you and hubby is wonderful! Love the reflections on your hotel..WOW! it's just gorgeous!! King Neptune is quite impressive. Seems like you and hubby had the beach to yourselves. glad you had a great time!
    happy day to you,

    1. Thank you Marie. So kind of you. Happy day to you too :)

  14. Re: Your comment on this post of mine......

    If you saw that lovely painting, in Washington, perhaps it was on loan, from the French museum. Oh I would love to see it, for real. :-)
    Just love it.

    It is so lovely. And the girl looks so young and spirited. No push-over, I'll bet! :-)

    Luna Crone

    1. I will have to check my old blog and see if I can find the one I am thinking of. I will let you know if I find it.

  15. Denise, I enjoyed these quiet beach photos. Going midweek in winter has its perks! We're in the midst of snowing and blowing in Breckenridge. No going without a coat here!

    1. Thank you Barb. I bet that snow looks gorgeous! We are supposed to have snow tomorrow, though doubt it will be as much as you have.

    2. Back again. I see your blog has been made private, but would love to visit. Perhaps you would allow me to sign up? If not, understand perfectly :) Hope you come back and see this.

  16. looked wonderful!! and you two are so cute!!

    1. Hey Cuz, thank you for this sweet comment. Still miss you two and so looking forward to the next time we get together. Can't wait :)

  17. Hi Denise, you most certainly had the place to yourselves and from your images had a wonderful time. The Crab is fabulous and King Neptune is larger than I realised. Love the reflection of the clouds on the Hotel windows. Great post. All the best John

  18. Hello Denise, it was fun having that visit with you and seeing your photos. The long shot taken of King Neptune shows just how big his statue is! I love all the smaller creatures around the base of him too.
    How beaut having the place more or less to yourselves! Gorgeous sunset photos and I was really taken by those clouds reflecting in the windows - beautiful. You observe so many things that may otherwise not be noticed. Thanks for a lovely post Denise :D) 💐

    1. Hi Sue, and thank you. Gregg always says I don't miss much. Is that a good thing I wonder, lol.

  19. We always enjoy our midweek getaways and especially those taken during off season. Looks like you had a peaceful time and love the selfie as well.

  20. Oh, wow, that reflection is wonderful...and I love the shot before it. I would like the beach in the quieter months, too.

    1. It was so pretty looking up at the clouds and their reflections.

  21. Love that last shot! We have been to Virginia Beach and also to nearby Sandbridge. Were many restaurants open in winter?

    1. I need to visit Sandridge. A lot of the beach restaurants and specialty shops were closed in town but the ones we usually go to with family and friends are always open. We alternate between Bubba's and Dockside, both with pretty views on the water. They are on Lynnhaven Inlet.

  22. what a soul freshening post friend!
    i loved your selfie so much,you look both look so happy and wonderful together.
    i loved the calmness that reflected through all these photos!
    once in while spending time in quiet and peaceful place like this is necessary .
    you captured and mentioned the views so well.

  23. I love that reflection of the clouds on the hotel windows. Sometimes, it is refreshing to have a resort like this to yourself.

    1. Happy you like those reflections Gigi and it is indeed very nice to go at a quieter time.

  24. Love your photo of the clouds reflected and the statue of King Neptune. I am glad to see a modern sculptor working in a traditional fashion.

  25. The cloud reflections in the glass are nice. That's the best time to enjoy the beach!

  26. don't you just love the beach in the winter? it's really one of my favorite times of year for it! beautiful photos denise and i recognize some of the places, that's always fun! i absolutely love your reflection photo but your selfie photo has to be my favorite!!

    1. I really do Tanya and thank you for the kind words.

  27. We do the same every time we visit.


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