Friday, February 10, 2017


While in Virginia Beach we went on another nice walk.  We discovered the Pleasure House Natural Area last year.  This wasn't the longest walk we had as we didn't want to be too late leaving.  I get a little nervous navigating paths in the dark, where there might be stumps and bumps along the walkway.  Too many twisted ankles over the years I suppose.

This is where we see Green Herons, Egrets and various other birds, but apart from one solitary duck sighting, there were no others.  I am thinking they are enjoying the warmer weather further south.

It didn't stop us looking though, or enjoying these beautiful surroundings.

Not sure when we will be back, in the spring or summer perhaps.


  1. Beautiful area to walk through. Amazing that you show no other people.

    1. Yes it was very quiet too. We saw maybe three people for the time we were there.

  2. Beautiful photos, Denise, and your first and last...stunning! I think it is wise to not walk pathways in the dark, it's hard to see and one can get injured.

    1. Thank you Linda, and I'm glad you agree about walking in the dark. Too many lessons learned over the years for me :)

  3. it looks so peaceful. we lived on a lake through my teen years. I spent a lot of time on the end of our dock enjoying the beauty. the last photo is my beautiful.

    1. That must have been a very happy childhood Marie. Thank you for stopping by and hugs back to you, Denise :)

  4. I would love that place, and that last shot is awesome.

  5. what a wonderful and oh so beautiful place to visit. awesome shots of all that natural beauty.

  6. Beautiful photos. You had a great time over there.

  7. A beautiful interesting walk in this beautiful place. Great photos are this and I can understand at dark it will be dangerous when going!
    With you it is so warm and cold in Germany!
    Greetings Elke from the north of Germany

    1. Thank you, it felt good walking around there, in the light :) Greetings to you also Elke :)

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you LC. I just tried to leave a message for you and not sure if it got through okay as I kept getting an error message. What I said was, "Oh no, I've forgotten bags too but not in so much snow. Glad the cashier had it still. Sure makes for pretty photos. Stay warm :)" Hope you read it from here :)

  9. This place looks very peaceful. I would refrain from being on a hiking trail after dark as well.

    1. Glad you agree William, thanks for stopping by :)

  10. This is a gorgeous place to birdwatch, or just to walk. Your first picture is my favorite, the gorgeous blue sky and the pine needles.

    1. It is normally but today we just had a wonderful walk, no birds as such. I have had a problem leaving messages this morning Ginnie. I tried to leave one with you but I got another error message after being directed to the "I am not a robot" feature. What I said was, "Poor baby, I wish him a very speedy recovery Ginnie. Know how worrying this must be." This was about Simba and I really do feel for you all.

  11. I love the lake surrounded my forest

    1. Me too Gosia. Trees are always very picturesque.

  12. Hi Denise and what a wonderful place to go for a walk, its appears not to be cold so most strange not seeing any wildlife. Super images of a delightful spot. All the best, Regards John

    1. I agree John, I was hoping to see more but it wasn't meant to be. Thank you for the kind comments and I wish you a very enjoyable week, Denise :)

  13. Beautiful walk. Our nearest nature area (next door to our RV REsort) is a lovely walk but I very seldom see birds there -- I have to remind myself that it is good just to be out in nature and the fresh air.

    1. That's what I was telling myself at this place Sallie, no birds but lovely surroundings and I enjoyed my walk.

  14. looks lovely but I now worry about ticks and snakes, so do not enjoy the south. I loved the Egrets and the Herons down there though

    1. Hi Janice, fortunately didn't have a problem with either. Didn't seem to have a problem at all with ticks last year, though we are careful when we go out walking. We usually stick to the trails and don't go off the beaten path.

  15. a very nice walk denise! are you getting these winds we have down here today? crazy!!

    1. Hi Tanya, I mentioned earlier that those winds had died down, but I have been hearing the trees rustling around a bit. Hopefully it will blow through soon.

  16. Looks like a great place for a walk. Love your last photo!

  17. Your photo's are lovely, what a gorgeous looking place to have a walk

    All the best Jan

  18. I am sure you will enjoy it Linda. We didn't know about this place in all the years we have been visiting, not even when we lived here back in the 80's for two years. It is one of those hidden jewels.

  19. These photos are absolutely beautiful! I enjoyed you sharing them with us.


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