Sunday, November 6, 2016


I am very happy to be back on line but still getting over a bad ear infection and a nasty dose of bronchitis.  Going to our local walk-in clinic is never a favorite thing to do, but the medical professionals were very nice.  With the right medication I am beginning to feel better, though it will still be a few days before I am back to normal.

I am that shadow, still a bit dark and discomfobulated.  Soon I hope to feel like dancing, just as you see the sweet little dancer in this delightful photo.  I love it!  My niece sent it to me recently.  Thank you dear niece, it was a great pick-me-up.  

Not quite back to normal yet but hope to be participating in the memes again soon, and adding normal posts.  I will also be answering all those sweet messages you've been leaving.  I will answer those before I do another post.  Not sure how long it will be before I get back to normal blogging, but thanks for thinking of me and being so kind.  


  1. I am glad to see you back - but please take it easy. Don't over do it.

  2. So sorry you have been sick. Ugh and pooh! I do hope you will be all better very soon. Rest and try to relax...

  3. Dearest Denise, I have been thinking of you and am happy to see your post. Bronchitis is no fun, neither is going to a walk-in clinic, however, and I can speak for here in Montreal, walk-in clinics are better than emergency wards at hospitals, the waits are less and the service is usually great, too. Take good care of yourself, and thanks for the update and sweet photo that your niece sent to you. Hugs and love to you.

  4. I am so sorry! But very glad you are feeling a wee bit better. Everyone here is sick! Things have started going around so early this year. This picture is amazing and priceless. It means so many things on so many levels. The child in all of us, but with a shadow following us.

  5. Take care and recover fast love from Poland

  6. Good improvement, and that soon everything will end with the disease and dance like your niece!
    Great photo of your sweet niece!
    Greetings Elke

  7. Hi Denise, good to have you back and hear you are starting to feel a little better, you sound as if you have had a bad time. Lovely image from your niece.
    Hope you are completely better soon, Regards John

  8. No rush, Denise. Yes, the dancing girl does look a sweet little thing.

  9. Love that shadow! And so nice you are feeling somewhat better.

  10. Hello, I love the cute shadow dancer. I hope you feel better soon! Take care! Have a great day and new week ahead!

  11. so glad you're finally feeling a bit better! yuck!

    but i love this photo!

  12. sorry you are still feeling unwell, hope you feel 100 percent better soon. and this is a truly delightful photo..

  13. hugs denise...hope you are feeling 100% soon! neat picture!

  14. Bless your heart. It's NO fun to be sick.. Prayers and thoughts are with you as you heal....

    Cute picture. That is definitely a "pick me up"...


  15. So happy you went to a doctor, and are getting better.

    These "little colds" are nothing to mess around with!!!!

    Lovely photo!

    Please! Please! Please! Don't worry about "answering" my health wishes, for you. Please... Just... When you feel up to it.... Come visit my blog, and leave a comment.

    Really! That is the only "reply" I "need". :-)

    Getting better hugs,
    Luna Crone

  16. Good that you went to the clinic and are now being medicated and feeling better. Cheers and aloha from Hawaii.

  17. I can see why your niece’s picture gave you a lift. It has a magical Peter Pan quality to it. The shadow seems to have a life all its own.

  18. I am glad you are starting to feel a bit can take a while sometimes.

  19. Glad to see a post and hear you're on the mend. That picture can't help but bring I smile.

  20. Good to know you are much better now. Hope you will recover completely soon. Get well soon and take things easy.

  21. Hi Denise, so pleased you are starting to feel better, Bronchitis is a nasty thing and will take time to totally go away. Have missed the posts but have left comments on your previous. Look forward to your visit with the Glossy Ibis. Love the shadow dancer from your niece. Regards John.

  22. hope you start feeling better real soon! this photo is so happy! brought a smile to my face. :) so sweet of your niece to send it to you. :)
    get well.. :)

  23. so sorry you have been ailing. Hope you are better really soon.

  24. Fantástico um grande momento fotográfico.
    Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

  25. Love the photo. So original and charming.

  26. Just read this post and wanted to add our well wishes, Denise. You are right about walk in clinics not being "fun" but certainky very helpful when needed as we know too from traveling and needing them. Hooe the meds will have you back to feeling like yiurself soon.

  27. Get well soon. We are all looking forward to reading your delightful posts again.

  28. Really concerned for your ear infection dear hope gets better soon.
    This age of shadow is wonderful and artistic

  29. Thank you for coming round to comment Denise.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  30. So lovely to read your post Denise.
    Thinking of you and continuing to send get well wishes for a full recovery, at least you are on the right track!

    Just take your time and come back to blogging when you feel ready to.

    If I were nearer I'd make you a get well cake and cup of tea!

    All the best Jan

  31. Great photo. So sorry to hear you are still ill. Get better soon.

  32. Sorry you're feeling so sick, Denise! Recover and rest well my friend - it's the only option right now, especially with bronchitis. Hope you'll start feeling better soon:):)

  33. Denise, clever photo. Thanks for sharing. God's speed in your recovery.

  34. I hope you get well soon. And, that's such a lovely photo of your niece. Whoever took it is really talented.

  35. Good Evening Denise, It is lovely to meet you. I found your blog whilst visiting another friend. This is an adorable photograph, it is like a scene from Peter Pan.
    I do hope you feel better soon.
    Best Wishes

  36. Sorry you're not quite back to full fitness.
    Still thinking of you and sending get well wishes.

    All the best Jan

  37. Good luck Denise! Love the picture!

  38. Sorry to hear that you have been unwell. Hope you will have a speedy recovery

  39. Dear Denise,
    So worried for you now. It's been a long time. I so hope that you are on the mend.


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