Monday, October 24, 2016


I found this recipe here at The Recipe Rebel hosted by Ashley.

Chicken Alfredo Quesadilla - serves 1

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 4 minutes
Total time: 9 minutes

1 tortilla (original, whole wheat or flavor of choice)
1/4 cup Alfredo sauce
1/2 cup cooked chicken
1/3 cup shredded cheese

Lay the tortilla flat.  Spread half of it with Alfredo sauce and top with chicken and cheese.

Place in a pan and heat over medium heat until cheese is nicely melted.

Serve and enjoy!

This is a great meal for putting on the table quickly, and is very tasty.

I added a sliced sauteed tomato, and a small dish of salsa on the side.  I would also have added a nice green salad if I had the ingredients in the fridge, but it had been a busy day and I did not have time to go to the store.  I used what was on hand and it turned out to be very tasty.  

Definitely putting this on the make again list for busy days.


  1. It does look and sound very good, Denise! Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. It does look simple. And something with endless variations depending on taste and what is available.

  3. Yummy is convenient food not homemade

  4. It looks and sounds yummy. Have a great day!

  5. Anything with cheese is fine by me. I'm feeling peckish right now!

  6. Wonderful for those who can. Here, the Alfredo Sauce would be "off limits." :-(

    Late Autumn blessings,
    Luna Crone

  7. Delicious the food and thank you for the recipe!
    Greetings Elke

  8. Yes, it does look tasty and so easy to prepare too.

  9. oh yum.. I love these things at Chili's, have never had homemade

  10. I like the tomato addition. Looks delicious, and easy, which is always a good thing for me.

  11. 9 minutes to YUM!!!!! You may get a Nobel for this!

  12. Glad you enjoyed it - and quick to do!

    All the best Jan

  13. Looks like a really good, simple recipe. I might just make this one.


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