Thursday, August 18, 2016


Driving through the relatively new part of the Portsmouth Tunnel

1) We have just returned from a trip down south and got to visit with a lot of the family.   I forget how hot and humid it can get down there.  One afternoon it rained heavily and when we got out of the car, steam rose off the ground.  It felt like a steam bath.

2) We ate out every day so my five this week is a lot about the places we ate.  One day we were invited to dinner by our niece and nephew.  A big thank you for that because they have a brand new addition in their family, and I know how tired and busy they are.  There is a sweet baby who was born last month.  Her little sister is doing a super job of helping mummy and daddy take care of her.  We had a very special evening.  We have three relatively new members in the family, a five year old, a one year old and a month old.  It was lovely seeing all three of them during our stay.  Sweet as can be and it just gave you a good feeling being around them.

3) Another day we went off with other family members to a restaurant we have been going to for years.  I always enjoy it.  Usually we sit by the window and look out over the water, but it is the busy time of the year with tourists, and even though we were further inside, we still get the view.  It was also the lunch hour, and yes it was too hot to sit outside.  There were plenty of tables available out there but not many people were making use of them.

4) A little while ago Gregg found a food truck that sold Lobster Rolls.  Oh my goodness, they were delicious.  They also sell a whole lot of other things, including fish and chips.  This place is very popular but fortunately we arrived at a quieter  time.

5) On the way back home we decided to drive via the Northern Shore and had lunch at The Shanty in Cape Charles.  We actually had fish and chips this time.  It's a restaurant that I look forward to returning.  The lady who took care of us was great.  She had a wonderful sense of humor and we found ourselves chuckling several times.  She noticed I jokingly held my Margarita back when Gregg asked for a sip and I said to her, I guess you saw that and she said oh yes I did and she laughed.  She was a real breath of fresh air.  And yes Gregg got his sip.  He was driving, he couldn't have but a sip and agreed it was excellent.  I only have Margarita's on my birthday or when on holiday, and from now on when I am at The Shanty, because it was the best one I had tasted in a long time, and the fish and chips were delicious.

Yes, we will most definitely be going back to The Shanty the next time we are in the area.

Now we're back home and being good!

I am slowly trying to catch up with the memes and this morning I am linking with Tanya at Willy-Nilly Friday Five.  You can click on the link below to visit other participants.

Willy-Nilly Friday Five


  1. oh i really enjoyed the photos and your post! what a great trip with lots of food! i like that little totem pole guy holding the lobster! thank you for linking denise, have a great weekend :)

  2. Your description of the weather made me chuckle...that's just like Florida! From May thru November, I live in a steam tent

  3. I love that boat with the plants inside. Lots of interesting photos! What a day! Hugs, Diane

  4. Oh, I'm hungry already and it's only 9 AM! Glad you had such a a wonderful visit with family.

  5. Wow! All the fun and love your heart can hold!

  6. You really do have a very good eye - great images. I know Portsmouth pretty well and it doesn't have a nice, sparkling, tunnel like the one in your first shot - I suspect 'your' Portsmouth is somewhat different to 'ours'! Margarita with fish 'n' chips? - that's a new one on me - but why on earth not?! :-)

  7. What a fun post, Denise! I love going out to restaurants but just don't have the money to anymore, so I really enjoyed seeing your photos and the good food! I totally relate to the steam bath! Here in Montreal it has been just that, very hot and humid and this weekend is geared to reach 40 celsius which is 104 fahrenheit, and it might even get a little higher. This is including the humidity, of course. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely photos! I hope you have a super weekend! Hugs. :)

  8. cute little lobster guy.. love love love the bridge and the tunnel. they are both amazing photos... all your photos are beautiful, yum on the fish.. and that was really nice of the young mom to feed you dinner.

  9. Lobster rolls sound delish, and the fish and chips look yummy too.

  10. The fish and chips look SO good! And I love the boat being used as a planter. Wish I could eat here! I love those rafters, and lights too. Are those cages used in fishing? The tunnel does in fact look shiny and new! What are those cylinders on the top, are they lights? Or maybe they measure your speed.

  11. Hello, what a great trip. The seafood looks and sounds yummy. I like teh cute wood sculpture. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  12. A proper East Coast Summer of my childhood! Glad you are enjoying it. Yes! The rising steam! The heat! The fish and chips! <3 Some of that good feeling from your young ones transferred to this post somehow. I feel like I've been on a vacation :)

  13. That's one of the best hints about being on holiday, trying new places to eat & enjoying every bite!
    Enjoyed your post & photos, Denise!

  14. I really enjoyed these little outings with you. Thank you.

  15. wonderful pictures of an amazing trip
    happ weekend

  16. Sounds like you ate really well. A good server in a restaurant with a sense of humor can sure make the expereience great.
    I wish we could get lobster rolls in of our food trucks.

  17. Love that tunnel shot! Good work.

  18. Souns like my kind of a drive. A restaurant crawl. Your post made my mouth water.

  19. Great pictures, especially the one of the tunnel. You describe your outings so well, Denise.

  20. lovely pictures, specially tunnel and the restaurant with Lion.

  21. What a lovely trip, it's good to spend time with younger family members, they always bring smiles and special memories.

    Love the boat with the plants inside, they look like grasses!

    ALl the best Jan

  22. shhh...shh....tell you a silly thing. I actually don;t like going thru tunnels like in the 1st photo. Feels kinda scary to me


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