Thursday, August 25, 2016

HUNTLEY MEADOWS - Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

Huntley Meadows is another place we enjoy.  My Sister-in-law was visiting and we took her there.  I think she brought us great luck, as we saw more bird life than we have ever seen at one time, particularly Great Blue Herons.  There were several in the area, and I spotted this one in a tree across the marsh.  As there was a very pretty blue sky for a backdrop, I chose my photos for SkyWatch Friday.

Five more photos so that I can join in with Willy-Nilly Friday Five.

1) A Blue Dasher Dragonfly.  He was very cooperative waiting for me to line up a shot.

2)  Hubby and his sister enjoying the Egret in the distance.

3) Little nature lover.  Start them early.  She was with her grandmother.  We enjoyed the little girl's fascination with the young Great Blue Heron.  This is Gregg's photo.

4) I was very curious what this is.  It starts to grow over the marshy plants at this time of the year and I have learned that it is a parasitic plant called Dodder. You can read about it here.  It would be worth scrolling down as there are other very interesting parasitic plants mentioned, all very interesting, and this is the eighth one down. 

5) A change from the above, a tea light in a pretty blue glass container after stopping at a restaurant on the way home.  If one used one's imagination a little, one could almost see that this was a setting sun symbolic of the lovely day we had, that was almost at an end but not quite over.  

I am linking with the following, with many thanks to our hosts.  In order as they become available.  

The Team at SkyWatch Friday
Misty at Camera Critters
Anni at Bird D'Pot


  1. Hello Denise, what a nice visit. Great captures and sightings of the Herons. I like the shot of the little girl near the heron. Awesome dragonfly shot. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. I have a fondness for blue herons. They're such a patient bird. In a few weeks the ones around here will be heading south.

  3. Another lovely multi-meme post. Thank you.

  4. The little girl with the great blue heron is such a cute shot! Glad you able to treat your visitor to lots of birds.

  5. Beautiful photos, Denise, and the blue heron almost looks too large for that tree. :)

  6. What fantastic shots of the heron. Thanks for the info about the Dodder, too.

  7. Sounds that you had a wonderful time with your sister. Beautiful photos.

  8. it does look like the setting sun! you did get to see a lot that the dragonfly shot! thank you for linking with willy nilly denise! have a great weekend!

  9. Great shots and your SIL brought luck for sure. Love the little girl shot. B

  10. Heisann.... great scenery and wonderful shots. Happy weekend ;:OD)

  11. never heard of dodder before, except I am a doddering old person. he he he. love the little girl watching the big bird and the blue candle is so pretty. a great place to wander with your family

  12. Hi Denise! thanks for sharing you day with us! loved seeing the dragonfly and egret!

  13. Awesome photos! It does look like a marvelous day.

  14. Lovely bird shots and it is certainly good to start kids early looking at nature. Pop in and see my selection this week and I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  15. Love the Great Blue Heron and dragonfly. The little girl will grow up to be a nature lover. I can see the sunset in the blue glass. Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Hello Denise!:) What a lovely day you had, and so many great sightings of the Blue Heron, the one with the little girl. The setting sun in the glass is imaginative, and pretty. Have a good Weekend!:)

  17. Hello Denise, I enjoyed all the Heron images and the cool dragonfly. Great photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  18. ... do you know, sometimes you can get as much pleasure watching others looking at birds, trees, frogs, nature etc. I love the picture of the little one.

    Huntley Meadows looks a lovely place to visit

    All the best Jan

  19. It always seems funny to see such a tall bird up in a tree! Great photos! Happy weekend. Hugs, Diane

  20. I enjoy watching the heron as well. Those are very nice pictures. Love the dragonfly.

  21. Wonderful Friday Five Denise! What a great place to visit. Loved the photos! Sorry I didn't link in yesterday...was having computer trouble. I hope you will go back and check out my Friday Five.

  22. I so agree with start them early!

    I became a nature lover thanks to my mom. She used to drive us to the park where we would run around looking around for critters.

    Now I'm 56, and I'm still at it.


  23. Timid heron, and you managed to make a picture of her.
    It's something unique.
    Greetings from distant Polish.
    Monika B.

  24. Awwwwwwwwww, blue herons and blue tea lights...with a little, sweet girl fascinated by the bird life. What could be a better outing!?!!!

    Enjoyed this post, the images AND your narrative.

    Thank you, kindly, Denise, for stopping by I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend to add this post to the linking tool. It's always appreciated by us birders and nature lovers!!

  25. I was there years ago and photographed the dodder without knowing what it is. It looked orange to me.

    Love the heron!


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