Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Whenever I go to Meadowlark Gardens, I never fail to stop at the fairy garden just outside the visitor center.  There always seems to be a few new additions, along with the old.


  1. I love Fairy Gardens! Your pictures are great, and these are beyond sweet! My favorite is the second one, it is beautiful! And who wouldn't want to live in that wonderful cottage!

  2. Denise, I absolutely love this place! I also love the name, too, it has a beautiful ring to it. Your photos are lovely!

  3. Hello Denise!:) It's a delightful and enchanting fairy garden. A great deal of imagination and thought has gone into making it.I can see why you always pass by there.

  4. My apologies for not paying your blog a visit for a while. This ancient person at times gets a tad behind.
    This fairy garden is so beautiful an I am grateful you shared it with us. Hope you are both keeping well.

  5. Hi Denise, what a lovely place, I would think any little ones would be enthralled, great to see.
    Regards John

  6. I know a small girl who would have loved this not all that long ago!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  7. I would love to visit this wonderful place too! Great photos of the fairies and little cottages.

  8. Hello Denise, the fairy garden is so cute! Adorable photos. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  9. I actually said out loudawww when I saw the little chairs and the table and those tiny little foam shoes. Adorable. I would stop there every time to

  10. I have got to get to Meadowlark Gardens. It is not that far away from the house. I would be in heaven in this fairy garden. That little fairy is just precious. These photos really do bring out the inner child in me. genie

  11. I would be stopping at the fairy gardens too. I guess that makes me a big old kid!

  12. Love fairy gardens, and have a small one myself. Love Glenda the Good Witch in the first photo!

  13. That is the sort of place that stirs the imagination.

  14. Love your photos -- I would be spending a fortune in that place! Our local nursery, Plants for All Seasons, also have a lot of different fairy gardens. I love going there to visit and catch a peek of the fairies. !

  15. oh I'ma sucker for elves sprites fairies cobols menehune and all such folk!

  16. Oih… what a lovely lilliput fairy tale garden.

  17. Very very cool. I love gardens and I love garden decorations almost as much. Obvious that somebody goes to a lot of trouble setting these up.

  18. I always enjoy my visits to the Fairy Garden too ... lovely post with lovely photo's.

    Thank you

    All the best Jan


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