Sunday, May 29, 2016


Keep reading those books Mr. Toad, and pass along that enthusiasm!

I am sharing with the following as they become available, with my thanks to all our hosts whose memes are a lot of fun to participate in.

Jesh at Seasons
Tom at Tuesday's Treasures
N. C. Sue at Wordles (on Tuesday) at Image-in-ing


  1. Great toad, great quotes. Reading is such a gift and blessing.

  2. this is stellar . . . thank you!!

  3. Wonderful book. I wish I had a toad in my garden.

  4. I lovin' this!!!!

  5. Fun.
    I have my doubts that writing a children's book is easier though...

  6. Lovely photos of a gorgeous model.

  7. Jolly tribute to Summer reading!

  8. I love Mr. Toad! He is a wise reading toad to wear reading glasses, too. I would love him for my own yard! Yes, we both read "The Wind In The Willows" and loved it! We had a real tiny toad on our back stoop last week! When I went to get the camera, he hopped away...

  9. I too like Mr Toad. Those stories were read and reread to my son. I must remember to ask him if he still likes toads.

  10. Lindo, belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  11. Hello Denise, I love the quotes and the cute Mr Toad. Happy Memorial Day Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  12. Oh, I just love, love, LOVE this post.

    All the best Jan

  13. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!! Mr Toad is so handsome and he is holding a BOOK. my first love of all that i do is reading. i have been an avid reader since i was 5 years old... the quotes are perfect, really perfect

  14. Great post. Reading is SO important.. We need to get kids enthusiastic from an early age...

    Happy Memorial Day. Let's never forget those men and women who served and gave so much for our FREEDOM.


  15. Wind in the Willows is one of the all time great books, no matter what your age.

  16. I like the quotes....thank you Denise! I'm sure people can't ignore this colourful fellow.

    Enjoy your evening,

  17. Cool shots.
    I love reading and must thank my parents - long gone - for instilling this love of reading in me at a very early age.
    Thanks for sharing at

  18. Heard about Madeleine L'Engle, but never got to reading her book about art. Many thanks Denise for being a part with SEASONS with this cute and educational capture!
    When I was 10 y. old I read 5 books a week. After that -never enough books:) Enjoy your week and will "see" you back in a few days.

  19. Such a great frog! When our two young granddaughters are over they always want books read to them. Thanks Denise for stopping by and please hurry back.

  20. Oh... The Wind in the Willows. It has been a long time, since I read that. Great photos.


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