Saturday, April 23, 2016


Another one from the archives.  I remember this crow, raven perhaps?  He was watching us very intently as we stopped at one of the many sites during our trip of the Southwest.

Linking with the following, with thanks to Anni, Michelle and Stewart for hosting these fun memes.

Anni at Bird D'Pot
Michelle at Nature Notes
Stewart at Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. Your photos always bring me such joy, Denise. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. There were so many of these guys nearby when we were at Mesa Verde last year. Nice shots!

  3. Nice photos . This is a Crow one way you can tell between the two is a Raven has a shorter yet thick beak and no hook at the end like this Crow and Ravens are heavier stockier birds in build . American Crows have a strong, harsh caw and the Common Ravens make a deep, throaty croak.. Just a bit of identifying info for ya ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  4. We have a lot of huge ravens in this part of FL...they can be spooky! Great photos! Hugs, Diane

  5. Good shots of the Raven. Thanks for sharing them.

  6. That is an excellent series! They live here in N. Calif and are formidable black clad fellows of obvious intelligence. Bodega Bay (Think Hitchcock's 'The Birds') is one county over, and the crows (ravens) could easily be plotting. . . .

  7. I don't trust them. The geese are not pushovers, but I do not fear them. . .

  8. very nice. I don`t like ravens normaly, but your portrait isso lovely. The first picture is wonderful, the bird is looking at you.
    Best regards

  9. My first thought was the Edgar Allen Poe poem about The Raven. These are not my favorite birds followed by starlings, crows and grackles.

  10. Fabulous images!!! Wow...I don't think I've ever seen one so close in my area. I'm amazed.

    Thanks for stopping by to add your post link to today's I'd Rather B Birdin' linking tool. Much appreciated as always.

  11. Hello, Denise! Awesome shots of the Crow! Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  12. i did not think you would ever hear me say a crow is cute. but this one is adorable and oh so cute. love the LOOK he gave you and his ruffled messed up feathers... super shots and i love them all

  13. Well he (she) definitely only had eyes for you Denise.

  14. Definitely watching you !!!
    Great photo's.

    All the best Jan

  15. such a big, bad boy!!! awesome captures!!!

  16. I have seen crows here in Georgia and I have seen ravens at the Tower of London. Those ravens are really big!
    We saw some great birds today, baby cardinals in our own yard!

  17. Hi Denise, the crow most certainly had you spotted, super images, well done.
    Regards John

  18. Ravens can soar like hawks but a cROW ROWs across the sky, flapping incessantly.Crows have rounded tails but ravens have wedge-shaped tails. And, still I have trouble telling them apart. Wait for a CROAK or a CAW -- or is it "Nevermore?"

  19. Interesting shots of the crow. We have them here too. The only time I've ever seen what I was positive were ravens was at the Tower of London a couple of years ago. I sat there watching them for at least an hour while my daughter walked around.

  20. Great captures! I bet your archives are amazing!

  21. The last one is so beautiful!

  22. They are such smart birds -- he was waiting to see if you were going to drop any picnic crumbs.

  23. Crows are comical to me, love to watch them. This one has a cute crew cut.

  24. Good to see the comment about the difference in the Raven and crow.. Michelle

  25. Smart and very cool corvids:) They are always plotting:)


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