Saturday, January 23, 2016

Oh the weather outside is frightful.....

Photos were taken around noon today and it's still snowing.  How are you doing?  I hope you are all safely tucked up inside your homes.  Bless all those people who are out in it, especially those who are taking care of the rest of us.  I take my hat off to you.  I am wishing you all safely back home as soon as you are able.

Looking out the front door, top photo and below.

Looking out the back.

And I am still looking at my vacation photos!

And the kiddos - yes I know they're adults but they will have to live with the fact that they will always be my kiddos - just shared some snow photos of their own.   Thanks My Luvlies!

They walked over to their local shops, which must have been very invigorating.

Added note: 1-24-16 as of 11.10 a.m.

This is what greeted us when we opened up the garage door this morning.

And this is what our son sent us.  His car is the middle one.


  1. It looks like the amount of snow we would get, which for us is no big deal, but for Virginia would be a problem.

  2. Stay warm and safe, Denise. Thus far this is not heading here to Montreal, but we will most likely get some snow again at some point!

  3. Wonderland! 60 and sunny in Marin today.....not Hawaii but...... Stay safe my friends!

  4. That's quite a snow you're getting. Keep warm and stay safe.

  5. Oh my! I don't envy you over there with the snowstorm. Stay safe!

  6. Love those photos! I'm glad to see the young folks enjoying the snow. My son and family were out in the snow too. They got 28 inches in Harrisburg!

  7. Good morning, Denise. I hope you are warm and safe there. It will be hard digging out from all this snow. I like the cute shot of your son and DIL. Take care! Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  8. Hello Denise. We heard about the snow on tv news and I wondered how you were doing. It looks grim in so many States. Report said there had been a ban on travel in New York State. Take care and stay safe.

  9. Wow you really got a lot of snow! Stay warm :)

  10. hope you are still safe today and have power. we are watching the coverage of snow on CNN and it is alarming to me. stay safe.. i love the palms against what is outside your window.. we are once again without heat and it is 42 degrees outside. the heater guy is coming again tomorrow. it is 65 inside so we will not freeze but we are not our comfy Florida selves.

  11. Oh my! You DO have a lot of snow! Hope you are staying warm. The vacation photos help, I'm sure. ;)

  12. Your son looks like his Dad.

  13. No snow in Hawaii. Kind of warm over here.

  14. Now that's a lot of snow! Hope you don't go stir crazy! Stay safe and warm...

  15. I have never experienced snow like I've seen both in the news and on blogs - yours included.

    I do like all the photo's you've shared - so nice to be sitting warm and comfortable and able to enjoy them!

    Take Care, stay safe, stay warm

    All the best Jan

  16. I was going to ask how much snow you got as I was going to comment on the post above, and then thought I best check and see if you made a post before. OH, Denise, how do you cope with all that snow? You could do a post on what people do with the snow. And how big the piles get!

    I put a song on my Pics & Pieces blog...about winter...

  17. Wow...So much snow?! Amazing aspects in winter...*-*
    Stay warm! Greetings in january!

  18. I will make the same offer that we've done to our family and friends who also got a LOT of snow, Denise...send a bit to us here in Nashua, NH as surprisingly we got none this storm. But, of course, there is more winter left so we may yet get our wish.


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