Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Good Neighbors

We have been digging ourselves out since the snowstorm on January 23rd, and something special happened yesterday.  It made our day. Gregg was out front shoveling, when ten of our neighbors walked down the street, two with snow blowers.  They even dug a cut-out for the mailbox so that our mailman can deliver the mail.  Can't thank them enough for this very special kindness. They did this for every neighbor who still needed help getting rid of their snow. Neighbors helping neighbors.  

What an incredibly kind and special group of people.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

I am linking with 


  1. Isn't it heart-warming when something like this happens? Wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/01/eat-your-greens-fruity-ones.html

  2. It seems 'u' have left the neighbours at some time! (if you see what I mean!)

    Thats a lot of snow!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. So good to know you are all well after such a wild storm and how uplifting to see everyone coming together like this to help out!
    Best wishes for a calmer week!

  4. You are blessed with real good neighbors! So very nice of them.

  5. Wow, that's so nice, take carexx

  6. I love these kinds of stories! Heartwarming!

  7. You live in a great neighborhood. I'm surprised they have snow blowers where you live.

  8. So glad you have such helpful neighbors.
    I enjoyed perusing your blog photos of your trip to Hawaii. I am amazed you captured so many nice views that I take for granted. Maybe, David and I should get out of the house and do the same.

  9. how nice! today i've got to clear out where our mailbox is!

  10. Up here snow blowers are essential, particularly in the country where driveways tend to be longer.

  11. Good neighbours are hard to find, and such a blessing. I love this!!!

  12. awesome neighbors, chuck does the same thing and it always feels good to help out others!!! you sure did get a lot, we look about the same!!!

  13. That's what friends are for....seriously, I don't know how you manage all that snow.

    We think we have a lot when we have 8 or 10 inches at one time....

  14. what a blessing for them to clear your snow.. i must say the thought did occur to me that since these are MEN with TOYS they are doing it for FUN

  15. Perfect WINTER photos - bit cheeky of me but.... they would fit right in with our Photo Challenge Prompt this week:https://daffodilwild.wordpress.com/2016/01/26/winter/

  16. Isn't that a wonderful thing to us come together to help each other in these times of need.....

  17. I do like the feeling of community after a storm! It's great when people want to help others out!

  18. How wonderful for you, yes, here are still nice people like these kind neighbors.

  19. Good to hear these stories of unexpected kindness. Thank goodness for helpful neighbors and friends!

  20. That is fabulous to have helpful neighbours.

  21. Hello, thank God for wonderful neighbors. We were lucky to have some great neighbors help to remove the snow too. Enjoy your day!

  22. Whoa -- it's almost a whiplash effect reading about your Hawaiian vacation at the same time as digging out from the snow. Great to have such good neighbors -- do be careful out there (I'm afraid of snow ;>)!

  23. That's a wonderful thing Denise-how lovely.


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