Monday, January 11, 2016


Not exactly the background color I wanted but I am happy I was able to finally download this from my iPad.  With much tinkering, and not really knowing how I got there truth be told, I am sharing a very large piece of driftwood on the beach in front of the condo we rented. 

Thank you for all the supportive and helpful comments, which only reaffirms how many 
wonderful people there are in our blogging community. 

I am linking with Image-in-ing. Click on the name to see other participants.  Thank you N.C. Sue for hosting. 

I am off to get my laptop back this morning and keeping my fingers crossed that they have good news. 

Added note as of 1.09 pm same day. 

Good news is that I now have a working laptop 
with a new hard drive, and it loads super fast and is really quiet. 

The bad news is that they could not save anything, zip, zero.  At first we were told no problem and then they ran into 'difficulties'. It was hard to get a 
direct answer as we had been dealing with the owner, and then when we went to collect it, there was someone else in the shop who had not worked on my laptop. Ah well!

Good news is I had downloaded 99% on a portable hard drive and Gregg is telling me I need to use 'the cloud', which I don't know much about but I have a great and very patient teacher, and 
realize this is the way of the future.

Good news is when I was on holiday I used up my 
camera card and instead of downloading all my photos and wiping my card clean each time, I decided to buy a new one and keep those precious holiday photos in tact . Gregg said this morning he wondered why at the time but realized I was being super cautious, super-cautious being my middle name.  

So, I am back to square one, almost, but realize it could have been so much worse, and am very grateful that I now have a working laptop. 

Added note as of 2.31 pm same day.

Bad news, the laptop is not running smoothly. Calling repair people to ask for advice. 


  1. Denise, this is great! :) I haven't even used, nor do I have, an iPad, so I am impressed! I hope that your laptop will be in fine form for you!

  2. Wow, Denise - such neat photos - I love the grain of the wood!
    Thanks for sharing at

  3. That's a huge piece of driftwood, Denise. The texture of the wood makes an interesting shot. I find my tablet which my grandson bought thinking it would be light, easy to manage and more portable than my big key keyboard, office standard laptop connected to a big static screen (which I need for my eyesight probs.), but I can't get on with it at all for computer writing and posting on my blog. I'm sure all the advice you've received has been useful, but I hope you get your laptop back.

  4. hope that laptop is home by now and working the right way.. that is one gorgeous piece of driftwood

  5. A year ago, my hard drive failed. I backed up externally before it went completely and now also put photos I know I want to keep on Google Drive. If you only store JPEGS on Google Drive they don't take up much space - I'm still using their free storage. Sure glad you had the unerased camera card from your vacation! Good Luck with the new hard drive.

  6. glad you had some stuff already saved and backed-up! and glad the laptop is working well again. love the driftwood photo!

  7. Love the driftwood, and am very glad you retained that memory card.

  8. Love the driftwood. The close-up looks like an alligator.
    Good News, Bad News; hope it's all good soon.

  9. The portable hard drive will come in handy. I've got one.

    The texture of that driftwood really stands out!

  10. Heisann.... Oh, I must make a back up for my harddisk, had plans for some days now... within this weekend, I must! Sorry for you!
    Try to enjoy rest of your holiday and take a lot of new pictures, have a good time ;:OD)

  11. I like the knotty driftwood art. Oh my gosh … technology can be so head-banging frustrating! It is disappointing when computers don’t work properly, especially after having them serviced. Your story is a cautionary tale to remember to keep a backup somewhere of the precious memories that more and more are stored exclusively on our PCs.

  12. You've had a very up and down day!

  13. Oh, Denise...I hate that there are still more problems. Love the driftwood...specially the close-up.

  14. This was truly a good news-bad news day for you, Denise. Depending on how old your laptop is, perhaps a brand new one would have worked out better...maybe it still will? Hope all works out for you.

  15. Driftwood can look so amazing ...

    All the best Jan

  16. Oh dear do hope you get results for your computer! These are very creative shots!

    Wishing you a joyful week ~ ^_^

  17. Sorry to hear about the tech issues...can be so frustrating. Love the driftwood!

  18. LOVE the abstract look of the driftwood! Sorry you are having technical problems :(

  19. I love to paint and photograph the texture of wood. That texture already looks like art.


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