Grandfather came to visit today, a dear and kind man with a sweet smile. After an hour her Daddy left them in the garden so that they could get to know each other a little more. Grandfather lived very far away, and she had been a baby when he visited last. They sat on a blanket placed on the grass and shared a pot of tea and shortbread.
Grandfather was curious about her garden friends Rabbit and Hedgehog. He wanted to know how long had she been able to understand them? She told him since she was a little girl. He chuckled and said that must have been a very long time ago. “I have known them forever” she said.
Grandfather told her how much she reminded him of her Grandmother, Daddy’s Mother. She had the same smile, and the color of her hair and eyes were similar, that she had also understood her animals when she was a child.
He asked if Rabbit and Hedgehog had names, and she told him no, they hadn’t chosen ones for themselves yet, and were content to be called Rabbit and Hedgehog. They listened to everything she had to say and she listened to them. She knew one day they would leave, but for now the three of them kept each other company, and they had wonderful conversations. “They are my family as Daddy is, and as you are Grandfather."
Her Daddy had given Darling Little Girl several rabbits for pets during her life, from the time she was a baby. She had learned how to take care of them and keep them safe. However, she didn’t like to keep them locked up.
Daddy had built them homes and lined them with the softest hay. These homes were like mini mansions, small to us but not to them. They were very comfortable and didn’t let in the cold during the winter, even on the coldest day. He always made sure they were snug and cozy. One morning, however, she decided it was time to open their doors and set them free. She didn’t just consider them as pets, they were her family, and you don’t lock your family up in cages she told her Grandfather. He agreed with her wholeheartedly.
Her rabbits didn’t all leave, Rabbit stayed. After a day of exploration, he said to himself, "Okay, that's enough." He returned to the garden, jumped up on her lap and had been with her ever since. Hedgehog arrived soon after. Each day at teatime you will find them in this spot chatting away and telling each other the day’s happenings.
Grandfather asked Darling Little Girl what she thought if he were to move here, to live with her and Daddy. She did not hesitate, gave him a big hug and told him he had made her heart very happy. His smile matched her own. Between them they could have lit up the sun. Rabbit and Hedgehog could see their joy and they were happy also.
Sensing what they were about to tell her, Darling Little Girl turned to her furry family and they told her it was time. She was not sad she told them, as she knew other little girls and boys needed them as much as she had. She was happy that they would be taking care of those who needed them the most.
They did not say goodbye. Rabbit and Hedgehog knew that one day they would be back for tea and shortbread, to listen to the stories of another Darling Little Girl. She would look very much like her Grandmother, with the same smile, and similar color of hair and eyes. She would also be able to understand them as her Grandmother had, and her Grandmother before her.
As Grandfather and Darling Little Girl went into the house to be with Daddy, they closed the door behind them and laughter was heard. Rabbit looked at Hedgehog, and Hedgehog looked at Rabbit. They smiled and were content. It was time to hop through the gate, knowing that one day after having many adventures with other darling children, they would return.
The End, or perhaps The Beginning?
Thanks so much for reading my whimsical tale, and
I hope your day is a great one.